Paul Broadus, M.A.
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1987 to Present BROADUS & ASSOCIATES (Private Practice)
2007 to Present Forensic Vocational Evaluator & Expert Witness
Testimony in Civil and Federal Courts in over 100 trials, as well as in hundreds of depositions, for both Plaintiff and Defense.
Conduct vocational assessments of Plaintiffs to determine employability and earning capacity following injury, disability, medical malpractice, termination of employment, workplace discrimination, etc.
Provide advice to the parties regarding the potential value of a loss of earnings claim, employment potential in the open labor market, possible barriers to employment, and potential for retraining and mitigation of earnings loss.
Research government employment and earnings statistics in order to provide accurate data for trial or mediation.
1987 to 2007 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor & Expert Witness
Served as an Independent Vocational Evaluator, appointed by the State of California, Division of Industrial Accidents/Rehabilitation Unit, or by joint agreement of opposing counsel, to develop Return-to-Work plans for injured workers through the Workers’ Compensation System.
Worked with over 1000 individuals for six months to a year each, conducting vocational assessments in order to ascertain transferable skills and feasibility for employment, in light of physical limitations.
Developed vocational rehabilitation plans designed to facilitate Return-to-Work, arranged for retraining if needed, monitored progress in school, and provided job-placement assistance in order to obtain suitable gainful employment.
Attended hearings at the State Rehabilitation Unit to resolve benefit disputes.
Testified in Worker’s Compensation Courts regarding employability and loss of earnings. Additional Responsibilities:
- Performed detailed, on-site job analyses at workplaces where injuries occurred, in order to determine compatibility with the injured worker’s physical limitations.
- Served as a Disability Management Consultant, advising employers on ergonomics issues and changes in job sites that could prevent work injuries.
- Private Career Counselor, working with individuals making mid-life career changes by administering testing, assessing abilities, suggesting employment options and developing a career-change strategy.
- Professional Outplacement Services, working on contract with employers to provide career-change services to mid-level managers.
- Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit (SJDB) Counselor, providing vocational counseling to California injured workers eligible for training vouchers through Workers’ Compensation.
1983 to 1987 IMARC/CRAWFORD HEALTH & REHABILITATION Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor & Supervisor
Managed Worker’s Compensation, Long-Term Disability and Longshore & Harbor files. Monitored out-of-state files and worked cases from other states’ jurisdictions. Supervised Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors and Job Developers.
Opened and ran a new satellite office.
Prepared employability evaluations and testified in cases on employment issues before Administrative Law Judges.
1977 to 1979 NGWEZI CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, ZAMBIA, AFRICA Missionary, Teacher and Leadership Trainer for remote village churches
- Master of Arts in Counseling, Fuller Seminary School of Psychology, Pasadena, CA, 1981
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX, 1977
- Seminars on Vocational Rehabilitation, Work injuries and Disability, 1983 to 2005
- Seminars on disability-related issues, Washington Business Group on Health/Institute for Rehabilitation and Disability Management, Washington, D.C., 1992
- Associate in Risk Management courses, Insurance Institute of America, Malvern, PA, 1991
- Vocational Return-to-Work Counselor (VRTWC), California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Workers Compensation, 1983-2007
- Qualified Rehabilitation Representative (QRR) & Independent Vocational Evaluator (IVE), California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Workers Compensation, Rehabilitation Unit, 1983-2007
- Certified Insurance Rehabilitation Specialist, 1993-1998
- Certified Case Manager, 1993-1998
- Certified Disability Management Specialist, 1993-1998
- Certified Career Counselor, IDAK Group, Portland, OR, 1988-1992
- U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Workers Compensation Programs, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, 1990-1992
- Certificate in Rehabilitation Counseling, U.S. Department of Labor, San Francisco, CA, 1991
- Certificate in Career Counseling and Outplacement, IDAK Group, Portland, OR, 1989
Qualified as a Vocational Expert & Provided Testimony in the Following Jurisdictions:
- U.S. Federal District Court
- Superior Court
- Social Security Administration, Office of Hearings & Appeals
- California Workers Compensation Appeals Board
- Rehabilitation Unit, California Division of Workers’ Compensation
- Longshore & Harbor Workers Administrative Law Judge Hearings
- California Insurance Rating Board Hearings
- California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board
- Binding Arbitrations and both formal & informal Mediations and Depositions
Provided Services and Testimony in Cases Covered by:
- California Division of Workers’ Compensation, Department of Industrial Relations
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA)
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
- Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act
- Office of Workers Compensation Programs (OWCP), U.S. Department of Labor
- California Family Law
Types of cases worked:
Cases have dealt with a diverse range of issues for which loss of earning potential is claimed, including:
- Work Injuries/Diminished Functional Earning Capacity (DFEC)
- Personal Injury
- Automobile Accidents
- Medical Disabilities
- Psychological Disabilities
- Amputations
- Brain injury
- Toxic Exposure
- Medical Malpractice
- Birth Defects
- Wrongful Termination
- Divorce/Spousal Support
- California Applicants’ Attorney Association: Presentations & Mock Trials on Diminished Functional Earning Capacity (DFEC) and loss of earnings evaluations in both Southern California and Northern California venues, 2007.
- California Applicants’ Attorney Association: Presenter on case law related to Diminished Future Earning Capacity (DFEC), 2012 Annual convention.
- Presentations to Workers Compensations law firms on Vocational Rehabilitation issues and case law updates, 1995-2005.